Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Individual Cheese Curd Strata

We can be so slow to react to God's prompting. I'm pretty sure this is what it means in 1 Thessalonians 5:19. When we know what we ought to do, the Spirit is trying to drop hints all over the place, but we continue on as if we were following our own will. Following our own will is not the Christian's aim. Following our own will basically goes against everything Christ commanded. Yet we do it daily.

Picture the Spirit as a fire. One day, a fire is lit. At first, of course, you are more than excited about the fire. This is what happens when you're cold and alone and just want some warmth in your life. So finally, God sparked a flame and a fire came to you. This fire is tended to well at first. You give it utmost attention and are completely willing to forget many other things of the world in order to keep this fire from burning out. But there will come a time when you get distracted, after a while, and you will stray from tending the fire. It's ok, because the fire kind of keeps burning on its own (after all, there's only so much control you have over such a powerful essence). Then the distraction turns to more. It becomes your sole focus, your goal. It becomes what you want to invest in, rather than the fire. Although instead of just leaving the fire, you begin to feel that it would be a distraction from your new pursuits. So you toss water on it. You're beyond ignoring it, you'd like it to stay out of your mind, out of your way. So you put it out.

This is how you quench a fire. You pursue other things, you let it die, you toss water on it, or spread it out, because it is annoying you that it demands so much of your attention.

This ought not happen with the Spirit. The Spirit, our God should consume our lives. Let His fire roar in your heart, and follow His prompting until your heart is a wildfire that cannot be put out.

And now, an unrelated recipe.

Praise the Lord for delicious food combinations. This is one of those. Put cheese curds in breakfast strata. Do it. God made it good!

Cheese Curd Strata for One

1 (fairly small) slice of dry sourdough bread
1 egg
1/4 c almond milk
1 tbs greek yogurt
handful of spinach
1 tbs chopped green onions
1 inch long cheese curd (~ 1 tbs?)
pinch of pepper
salt to taste

Layer all dry ingredients in a small (about 2 cup) oven-safe dish that has been lightly greased. Beat egg, milk, yogurt, salt, and pepper together in a separate bowl, then pour on top of dry ingredients. Leave overnight. In the morning, preheat oven to 350 degrees. When the oven is up to temperature, cook for about 30 minutes, making sure it doesn't giggle too much before taking it out. Let it cool for at least 5 minutes before eating.

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